What our customers say

10 reasons for swissQprint

1 Versatile

“The swissQprint machine has broadened our business because we can now address more industries.”
Uwe Sannemann, 1. Aichfelder Druck GmbH, Austria

“There really isn’t anything that we don’t print with the Nyala 2.”
Tom Matherly, Sign Ink, USA

"Since we’ve had the Nyala 2, we’ve become enormously keen on experimenting."
Johan van Wijk, Boer & van Wijk, The Netherlands

2 Profitable

“The swissQprint machines triggered a chain reaction. High printing speed has reduced order-related personnel expenses, and this coupled with lower ink costs means that Easy Signs can offer keener prices in a price-sensitive market. In addition, printing reliability has brought a fall in rejects and complaints, together with theresulting reprints and re-deliveries.“
Adam Parnell, Easy Signs, Australia

3 High quality

"The quality stands out compared to other equipment I have run in the past, but I really love the speed."
Agim Bekteshi, Creative Visual Solutions, Canada

“In terms of quality, our digital printing is on a par with offset printing."
Susanne Paulsen, spot display, Germany

“Time and again, I am amazed by the production pace for such a fantastic print image.”
Zeljko Krnjic, Migros, Switzerland

"I much prefer it when the thing that matters is quality, rather than speed. We try to combine the two. This concept fits well with the Nyala precision printer."
Gerry Meier, AST beschriftet, Switzerland

4 Reliable

“I wanted a machine that is easy and economical to maintain. In fact, the Nyala works so reliably that it often takes over jobs if the company’s roll to roll printers are having a technical problem. The Nyala runs every day, all day.“
Tom Matherly, Sign Ink, USA

“Impala is as reliable as I expect it to be. Dealing with swissQprint felt good right from the first contact – very professional.”
Carsten Böttcher, spot display GmbH, Germany

“The team is at work twelve hours a day as a rule – and the Nyala is part of the action for practically all of that time. And the printer never lets us down.”
Ken Zidek und Kevin Carney, GEI Graphics, USA

5 User friendly

“Our employees were proficient after only two weeks.”
Johan van Wijk, Boer & van Wijk, The Netherlands

“It’s like an iPhone, I call it the smart machine.”
Dov Gatmon, Infoband Innovations, Sweden

"The operators love working with the Impala, not only for the simplicity but also because of the fantastic results."
Ian Fitzgerald, DigiPress, Great Britain

"The machine converts to a reliable roll to roll printer in a few simple steps."
Uwe Sannemann, 1. Aichfelder Druck GmbH, Austria

6 Productive

"Nyala has quadrupled the output in digital printing. “What took a month before, I now accomplish within six days.”
Shinji Hasegawa, Pronate, Japan

“Compared to our previous solution, we are gaining three production hours every day.”
Ken Zidek, GEI Graphics, USA

“Our business involves large jobs with fast turnaround, so we need high output and high quality combined.”
Sean Clarke, Creative Visual Solutions, Canada

7 Scalable

"To me, the only right solution would be a scalable system, able to grow with the company. The fact that swissQprint is known for precisely this concept, as well as its highly reliable machines, eased discussions with the bank."
Emmanuel Branger, Studio 2803, France

8 Low maintenance

“With Nyala, ink waste has dropped in half. First of all, the daily maintenance of the print heads scarcely wastes any ink. Thanks to LED technology, UV lamps do not need to be replaced and power consumption is low.”
Shinji Hasegawa, Pronate, Japan

“Daily maintenance of the eight print heads is accomplished in just four minutes – absolutely no hassle.”
Joel Oschatz, Oschatz Visuelle Medien, Germany

9 Swiss Made

“The only machines shortlisted were ones with whose origin I was familiar.”
Ulrike Börstinghaus, Bräutigam - Ihr Mediendienstleister, Deutschland

“You can just see its Swiss pedigree. The Nyala is sturdy, easy to operate and ready for use quickly.”
Annina Härter, Migros, Switzerland

10 Durable

More than 300 swissQprint flatbed printers over a decade old continue in daily use even now, some of them working triple shifts. Nolina applica operates the first Oryx.

“Our two swissQprint machines are in top condition and utterly reliable.”
Nives Pally, Nolina applica, Switzerland